ex150 diet macros: 2,294kcal, 88% fat, down 46lbs so far
88% of calories from fat, 7% from protein, 4% from carbs
As a reminder, I call my current diet ex150 and you can check out that post for the reasoning and hypothesis behind it, as well as the experiments leading up to it. It consists of the following:
1 meal per day of 150g beef + 60g green vegetables + 80g tomato or alfredo sauce
Ad libitum butter or heavy cream for remainder of calories, usually in the form of ~200ml whipped heavy cream for dinner with instant coffee for flavor
Main Meal
150g beef (mostly 80/20 ground beef)
60g green beans
80g tomato sauce
15g butter
Fat 43.9g (71.8% of calories)
- Sat. 21.3g (34.8%)
- Unsat. 22.7g (37.0%)
Protein 28.1g (20.4%)
Carbs 10.7g (7.8%)
Fiber 2.7g
kcal 550.6
~200ml heavy cream, whipped.
I don’t always finish this and then eat it for breakfast the next day.
Fat 72.6g (93.7% of calories)
- Sat. 45.6g (58.8%)
- Unsat. 27.0g (34.8%)
Protein 5.6g (3.2%)
Carbs 5.4g (3.1%)
kcal 697.4
Cream in coffee
I drink 4-6 coffees per day and add about 60ml of heavy cream per cup.
Let’s go with 5 * 60ml = 300ml.
Fat 108.9g (93.7% of calories)
- Sat. 68.4g (58.8%)
- Unsat. 40.5g (34.8%)
Protein 8.4g (3.2%)
Carbs 8.1g (3.1%)
kcal 1046.1
One of the coffees is often a Starbucks Latte breve (made with half & half). I couldn’t find any nutrition info on their website for breve, but the regular one is ~220kcal with 15g of carbs and 11g of fat. The breve will have fewer carbs and more fat, so I’m just counting it as one coffee here, because mine also have ~200kcal/cup.
Total for the DayFat 225.4g (88.4% of calories)
- Sat. 135.3g (53.1%)
- Unsat. 90.2g (35.4%)
Protein 42.1g (7.3%)
Carbs 24.2g (4.2%)
Fiber 2.7g
kcal 2294.1
It’s not a low-caloric diet. I’ve lost about .3lb/day so far including several weeks of diet breaks. Check out this post if you’re interested in seeing that visualized, including the break periods. This implies a deficit of around 1,050kcal/day. This brings my energy expenditure to around 3,350kcal/day, for a 1/3 deficit on an ad libitum diet.
The store brand heavy cream I buy shows nutrition info in a serving size of 15ml, cream is 65% water, and therefore both protein and carbs are rounded to 0. I used nutrition info for generic heavy cream from the internet instead. All other nutrition information comes directly off the labels on the products I actually buy.
Wow, this is insane.
Have you ever tried coconut milk or coconut cream instead of heavy whipping cream?