I'm the Tea Criminal. I have taken lemon and cream in my tea. I also drink tea like three times a year, and rarely do it, so it happens like 0-1 times a year.

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It depends on the tea.. I find rooibos tea with cream amazing!

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Haha I suspect since the subject is British, this is black tea prepared British style

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Drinking tea is cultural appropriation and if you're not ethnically Chinese and preparing it with traditional methods you are a bad person and should be defenestrated

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I know the glucose goddess, she is a mathematician like us. Her hacks are fantastic and many people benefit from them. Perhaps good for maintenance but not sure they work for loosing weight. The good thing is that she has brought forth a "let's experiment" culture to many people.

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“As almost everyone who’s ever tried fasting knows, that doesn’t actually work. Your metabolism will start shutting down, and after a few days at the latest you’ll be unable to continue.” - not my experience. I’ve water faster for a week a couple of times now and I found that you start to reframe hunger. I also had euphoric episodes which were bliss. The biggest downside was not being able to train (cardio) as usual. The most interesting thing was that a keto diet following it didn’t work at all - I just keep putting weight on. If you do another trial later in the year I’d be interested in trying. I’m training atm so don’t think it would be compatible.

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Maybe you're one of the "lucky" ones or maybe I was in a bad spot metabolically somehow (PUFAs?) and now it would work. Interesting to see! I do plan on doing a fat fast some time in the next few months, will see if that does anything.

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Yesterday I was talking to a friend who appears to meet all of the criteria for non 24 about your diet and he was interested except for the fact that he finds he has an inflammatory response to dairy, including butter. He would have basically no problem eating all of his calories per day as butter except for this, so I suggested maybe trying ghee. He also would be willing to try cultured cream and cultured butter, but would have to make those himself. If we can both generate enough enthusiasm, we may pool our efforts and do a case study on ex150 cultured.

Speaking of being a man of culture as well, I believe that one of the primary causes of failures in diet adherence involves signaling pathways from starving gut flora. To a certain extent, the strongest argument for going ketogenic is to revenge oneself on the intestinal subversives that cause us to crave sugar. It seems likely that your long history on Keto before taking up this harder diet meant you were going into it with fewer traitors on board.

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Very well possible; at the very least I was very keto-adapted. That said, this might work if you replace the cream with e.g. potatoes? See the 100% potato diet, which seems to work for some people. Maybe instead of murdering your gut fauna/flora, you could accommodate it?

About the Non-24 friend: he probably doesn't have to go nearly as strict as ex150 for the benefits, at least I didn't. Just cutting carbs dramatically should be enough.

That said, ex150 will definitely get him very deep into ketosis. If he wants to try it, the cultured options should work, or pretty much any other source of (saturated) fat. E.g. beef suet/tallow, ghee, cocoa butter, coconut oil..

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Never negotiate with terrorists!

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