May 4, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

"So while it’s kind of a funny troll diet..." If this a funny troll diet then I am clearly a funny troll.

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You and me both, buddy

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

I eat a bag of Guittard extra dark chocolate baking chips every week... mix it into a quart of heavy cream for fat loss?! Huh.

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Well, I suspect if you keep the rest of your (presumably not-fat-loss-inducing) diet the same it won't work. There's probably something to doing this in the context of an otherwise fat-loss-inducing diet like ex150.

That said, you could always try it. Just be ready to quite if you gain weight dramatically after 14-30 days.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

Well, yeah; the ganache replacing the Wheat Thins/ramen/et cetera thought went unexpressed, sorry. Chocolate satiety. :D

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I'm telling you, this stuff is so rich and delicious it's literally painful. I don't think I finished it in a sitting even once. Then again, it has 400ml of cream, which is nearly my entire day's worth of intake, so not a fair comparison.

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Apr 20, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss


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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

Quick observations: 192.3# this morning, lightest I've been this year. A bag of Guittard extra dark chocolate baking chips and a pint of heavy cream - 3400 calories, ~$8 - feeds me four days with no hunger, supplemented with a daily tin of sardines in olive oil and chili peppers or the like, ~20 grams of protein and 11 grams of fat. I'm 6', so ~184# is < 25 BMI; normal, though Christa hates calling me that. ;D UFC fighters my height weigh in before the fight at 170#...

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Hahaha I'm doing the sardines right now, too! Convenient but I like the "real" meal better flavor wise.

Congrats :) Told ya the chocolate truffle is nuts. Like eating plutonium.

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May 2, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

Dipped under 190# over the weekend: 189.7#. Then I came back to office and coworkers force-fed me cupcakes and candy, alas; all their fault. ;-) This is awesome; I owe you: 191.3# this morning, even after, ah, excess Monday. I will credit you when I share this with my friends.

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Nice job! You know, you don't have to eat that stuff at the office ;) My advantage: I've always been an asshole ;) So I have no problem rejecting people's birthday cake advances hahaha.

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May 4, 2023Liked by Experimental Fat Loss

I don't *buy* chocolate Round Rock donuts, but if Jeff hands me a box of them I might accidentally eat six.

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Asshole solution goes like this:

Jeff: Here, have 6 donuts!

Asshole: You eat that stuff?! What are you, crazy? Eww, get away from me.

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It's funny because for some weeks now I've been eating 100g (or more at times) of 85% dark choco daily, as well as around 300-500ml heavy cream, too. I might try this tomorrow just for fun!

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Nice, how's that been going? You notice anything?

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My weight has been stable if anything and I am running hotter than usual and having a lot more energy, at least in my un-logged observations. ^^ The energy (and delicious heavy cream) in specific is why I have been doing it for so long.

The only downside I have noticed is that I have been over-eating/drinking the heavy cream based on how I feel for quite a few days, as I am heavily addicted to dairy products once I let myself have them, though there is still a limit as I cannot go beyond that feeling as I can with ultra-processed foods.

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Is your goal to lose weight, gain weight, or be stable?

My cream consumption definitely fluctuates some days. Some days I can't seem to finish my usual portion and put it in the fridge to finish the next day. Other days I eat the 200ml and am not satiated so I make more. Usually not much more, though. I also notice it depends on how active I was that day and how much I consumed the day prior. So that seems pretty normal.

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Honestly I have no weight goals, more about how much I can eat and how much energy I have haha. As well as smash my PRs during training, which I know eating a bunch can help with ,haha.

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Well in that case you probably want way more protein than I eat ;) I currently don't lift at all. If I were, I'd try upping my protein (and total food intake in general) considerably.

But weight stable + smashing PRs + lots more energy honestly sounds great :)

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Haha, yes, I definitely do have my protein! Usually I have ~150-200g protein daily, I just consume a lot of food. Like.. A lot.. lol.

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